Suddenly Life has new meaning
Suddenly Feeling is being
And you shine inside
And love stills my mind Like the sunrise
Dreaming light of the sunrise
Suddenly I don’t have to be afraid
Suddenly It all falls into place
Dreaming light and you … Shine inside.
Alongside the beautiful beach on my town, Bushehr, every day I see lots of people who watch a fantastic sunset.
A brief sunset! Pleasurable sunset to some and doleful one to others or perhaps romantic, dreamy, and full of hope for some others!
Each one has a dream. Each one has a concern. Even the boat, which is waiting to be floated on the water, has its own dream and concern.
Even the little child, who is playing on the sand and doesn’t want the sun light to fade so his/her playtime not to be over, has a dream.
Everyone has a dream, a dreaming light which he wish no to fade out.
An Adaption from “Dreaming Light” song by : ANATHEMA
Ali asghar Nasouri – December 2014